Thursday, 30 September 2010

Start of theory work


Today we have started working on the theory side of the course. We will not be focusing on the practical task in lesson for a while. Our group will meet up sometime next week and discuss our plans/ideas for our movie intro.


Tuesday, 28 September 2010

AS Preliminary Film


Here is our groups preliminary film. It includes many mistakes such as sounding, and minor camera work errors.

A few of the most noticeable errors are:
- Poor lighting in lift scene
- CCTV timer is counting from 0 and resets during clip
- School displays are on show
- Continuity error between 1.19 - 1.20

After spending time planning, filming and then viewing our finished piece, we have found a number of different shots that we think would be good to use again in our main project. We have also learnt alot through this practical experience, and will be alot more prepared when it comes to filming our main project.


Thursday, 23 September 2010

Preliminary Exercise: Editing


Today, me, joe and luke selected which clips from the video we filmed that we would like to be in our final piece. We put them all into a folder and then proceeded to email them to myself so that I could go home and use my own editing software to create our final piece. During the third and fourth lessons, we went back to my house to start editing. Unfortunately we forgot to send one of the clips back to my computer, so we could not completely finish the video, however the majority of it is now done. Tomorrow, we will add the final clip and hand in our preliminary exercise.


Thursday, 16 September 2010

New group member


Today, mine and Joe's friend Luke decided that he would like to take AS Media. We offered to help intergrate him into our group and have been working closely with him today during the filming of our Preliminary Exercise.




Over the past couple of days we have been creating a storyboard for our Preliminary Exericse.

Here is a picture of our storyboard:


Friday, 10 September 2010



Continuity is the consistency of the characteristics of people, the plot, places, objects and events seen by the viewer. If continuity is not monitored and carried out during filming then people watching could spot the mistake and it may distract them from the story and what's going on. If someone is not there to spot the mistakes made during filming then the scene may have to be re-filmed, and this creates the problem of making sure that every single factor (appearance, time of day etc.) is the same as it will otherwise not flow correctly and look out of place.
Here is a video which highlights several mistakes made in the hit film: "Starwars".


180 Degree Rule


The 180 degree rule is essential in  keeping the viewer focused and avoiding confusion. Once a scene has been established, the camera must stay on one side of the action. 

If two people are facing each other, a line must be drawn. This line usually runs straight down the middle between the two people, like so:

0                             0
\                              /
||                             ||

Once this line is in place, the camera can move anywhere providing it stays on the same side of the line once filming has begun. If the camera is switching between two faces during a conversation for example and then suddenly cuts to the other side of the line, then it will appear that both people are facing the same direction instead of looking at each other. 


Thursday, 9 September 2010

Shot/Reserve Shot


A 'shot/reverse shot' is a film technique which is simple, convienient for actors and gives out an effective illusion to the viewer. In a shot/reverse shot, the camera focuses on one character looking out of shot, and then cuts to a shot of another character looking back in the direction that the other character should theoretically be. Because the shot does not include both characters, it means that only one actor is required for filming at a time.

Here is an example of a scene which uses the 'shot/reverse shot' technique:


Match On Action Shot


A match on action shot is a simple yet essential technique, where the persepective of the camera changes during a scene and the sequence continues to flow flawlessly. If match on action is not implemented in a scene then the sequence will appear choppy and unprofessional.

Here is an example of a scene which uses the 'match on action' technique:


Preliminary Exercise


Produce a continuity exercise which involves a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom they exchange a couple of lines of dialogue. The task should demonstrate;
  • Match on action
  • Shot/reverse shot
  • 180 degree rule



    Hello, my name is Isaac. I am studying 4 A levels, Economics, Pyschology, Media and English Literature. Economics and Media are my favourite subjects.

    I am working in a group of two, including myself and my friend Joe,

    Both of us are aiming to achieve the best grade possible and know we are both capable of doing so. My target grade for Media is a C, however I hope to achieve an A*.

    "Imagination is more important than knowledge."
    - Albert Einstein
    Luckily i've got both bitch ;)
